a File format csv b Column Column 1: Row number Column 2: Name of the calculation mesh Column 3: Standard deviation of prior distribution of air dose rate [log10(ƒÊSv/h) Column 4: Standard deviation of the posterior distribution of air dose rates [log10(ƒÊSv/h) Column 5: Prior distribution of air dose rate [log10(ƒÊSv/h) Column 6: Posterior distribution of air dose rate [log10(ƒÊSv/h) Column 7: Y-coordinate of the computational mesh [m]. Column 8: X-coordinate of the computational mesh [m]. Column 9: Distance from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant [m]. For air dose rate, see column 6. (The values are logarithmic to the air dose rate (ƒÊSv/h). c X coordinate and Y coordinate The coordinate system is UTM54N. However, the numerical values of X and Y coordinates in the data file are values taken from (x,y)=(328351,4061650) as the starting point. To convert them to actual coordinate values, add X0=328351 and Y0=4061650 to the X coordinate (column 8) and Y coordinate (column 7), respectively. d Interpretation of the calculation mesh Each calculation mesh corresponds to a 50m mesh centered on the coordinates indicated by the number. For example, 1000-67400 corresponds to a 50m mesh centered at (X,Y)=(1000,67400). e Reference (part of data) 549 1000-67400 0.111576 0.102652 -0.822339 -0.898888 67400 1000 79998.756247 550 1000-67450 0.111576 0.102511 -0.822334 -0.901547 67450 1000 79990.895738 551 1000-67500 0.111355 0.102281 -0.815319 -0.899661 67500 1000 79983.065714 :